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  • Writer's pictureSusan Saccoman

Sushi & My Dad, "Love Letters"

In two days, my dear dad will turn 80 years old. When I think of my dad, the first dish that will always come to mind is rigatoni!! You can be sure I'll be blogging about Italian food often, however, this post is all about SUSHI!!! When I first took my dad to sushi in Minneapolis, MN, we sat at a sushi bar where the sushi chef was in the center of a circular bar. He prepared "boats" and the arrangement's would float around while guests could take their choices. It was then, probably 25 years ago, that we discovered we both have a fondness for great sushi. What this also meant to us, even though we didn't know it at the time, finding new sushi places would be our special date option whenever we wanted to leave mom at home. Of course, I have the best mom in the world, but there's something pretty special, too, about a 'dad-daughter' date. Since my mom will not touch anything raw unless it grows in a garden, this was the perfect, sneaky plan for me and dad to have that dad-daughter time.

This post today is very special to me because I have two great loves - my dad & sushi!! I would like to be vulnerable, open, candid and free throughout this blogging journey, so I hope you will enjoy my two love letters today in honor of my number 1 guy, James G. Saccoman Sr., my dad!

I am completely and utterly grateful to say that I have had some of the best sushi in the world because Lars loves it too and he has taken me to a number of sushi restaurants. I will post about each one of them at some point, but today, I think I'll go with "Most Memorable Sushi Place."


1335 Fulton Street

San Francisco, CA


My Love Letter to Ju-Ni:

"Dear Ju-Ni,

When Lars told me that he made reservations at a Michelin Star sushi restaurant before our red-eye flight, I think I immediately salivated. There's something poetic about enjoying sushi on the streets of San Francisco late at night! Well, I can only articulate that statement POST experiencing your charming, exceptionally executed sushi restaurant. My partner has taught me that the only option when dining at excellent sushi spots is to order "omakase." (side note for readers: This just means you are ordering courses selected by the chef. Um, yes!! I am always submissive with a sushi chef! What?) From beginning to end dear Ju-Ni, it was exactly as you set out to do from your site - give the most personable, relaxed moments with the purest bites of sushi I have ever tasted!

First of all, the street set up was perfection! The sea air wafting by as we filled our bellies with expertly presented, fresh fish and warm, fragrant miso! I closed my eyes and gave thanks. To watch him prepare every offering was theater! Chef had this balance of ease and warmth meshed with passion and respect for the ingredients and the art. Lars and I felt both at home and in a foreign land all at the same time. Thank you!

Every course was literally mouth watering! Every bite would hit my senses one at a time - sight! It's gorgeous! touch! delicate!! smell! fresh and clean!! taste!! close your eyes and savor! I will share these pictures with you, although they could never do justice to the actual experience, Lars and I always reflect back on this evening with love, romance, and our mutual fondness for exquisite sushi!

My only wish was that I could bring my dad to your restaurant.

5 bows to the chef!


Sue Saccoman"

I cannot recall each course, however, we start off palate cleansing... and the ginger!? Lars and I kept raving about the fresh ginger! Crisp and addictive!

Sublime progression....

Score! Can you see the vibrant citrus?

I'm in love!

My dad and I are always going to go for the tuna first! Divine intervention this was!

Uni - Lars loves this - otherwise known as sea urchin. It's creamy, ocean-liver like. Not for everyone. I was happy to try it.

Here, he's scoring a section of our next course. Giving it a little char.

Now that's a garnish!

Sea perfection!

Sushi rice done with honor to tradition.

Roe, roe, roe your shaved liver!

And now we reach the end with the stars of the show!!


Japanese Wagyu!!! (Bow to the cow!!) and.....

Blue fin toro! A pricey second's! It'll make you not care that you're overdrawn.

Parting is such sweet sorrow!

May I have this Miso today and morrow....

If you love sushi, dear readers, this one is a MUST on your bucket list. I would love to hear about it when you go. Love, Sue

And to save the very best for last today - here is the love letter to my dad. I know he wouldn't mind if I shared it with you. In fact, it is in the mail as we speak and he will receive it on his 80th birthday which is Friday, May 27th, 2022. Thank you for letting me share it with you. As Father's Day approaches, yet the heavy weight of the repeated heartbreak in this country's senseless acts of violence continue their plague, may we all take pause in the POWER and the URGENCY of recognizing how our guided influence with our young people is paramount for making progress going forward. I believe every, single one of us have the ability to change the trajectory. My heartfelt prayers to the families, friends, school and community of Uvalde, TX.

Thank you Dad! For giving me what I needed to be happy and good. I love you, Susie.

If you would like to read the love letter to my dad click below:

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