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  • Writer's pictureSusan Saccoman

Somewhere Over the Rainbow (cooks needed)

The most beautiful place I have ever been! I made a wish to cook here forever and ever.

My breath was taken away several times throughout the week starting at our decent into the beautiful Islands of St. Kitts & Nevis (Country in the Caribbean).

If you are new to tableforsue, my guy, Lars, is a pediatric urologist. He signed up for a conference this past January 2023 and this was the resort where everyone stayed and where the meetings were for a whole week. This view from our room is an inactive volcano and you can also see rain falling into the rainforest up high near the clouds. It was so beautiful! I realize I am officially in menopause, but I cried often at the views, at everything.

Park Hyatt St. Kitts Christophe Harbour

I am a water person - so when Lars was in his meetings from 8am - 1pm, I was here. Then, we were here. It was serene. Beach sand, infinity pool, beach sand, ocean.... And the service at this resort was consistently warm and accommodating.

Before the conferences began, we had a 'free day' on Monday. We signed up for something I didn't even know was an option called, "Discover Scuba." We got there around 8am via a $60 taxi ride. Yowza! Our instructor gave us about an hour of instruction and we viewed a video the night before. The boat took to sea about 9am with 3 instructors, a family from Alabama, and a South African, local woman in her 70s on her 200th dive.

The first jump off of the boat looked pretty easy. Off I went. My very first practice going under the water using my BCD (buoyancy control device) was an immediate panic attack where I popped back up to the surface from 3 ft under!! Mike, our instructor, made it so comfortable though. He was like that happens to almost everyone the first time. He showed me again how to do it. I then asked him to show me yet another time! lol. He happily did. That was that. I went under and we stayed under for the rest of that first dive and I had no panic. "Discover Scuba" was like 'training wheels scuba.' Mike held on to both Lars and I on that first dive. He was above us the whole time hanging onto us. It was a way for us to use our hand signals and practice adjusting to our breathing and well, you know, getting our 'sea legs.' Ha. We went under for about 30 minutes; 40ft. deep.

The second dive was after a bit of rest, pee break (nice bathroom on the boat!), snack, hydrate, and a boat ride to a different location. We discovered early on that our three guides from Kenneth Dive Center were all passionate divers and respectful visitors to the underwater world. They were serious and safe, but also warm and fun. They were peers, yet leaders. We all had this lovely "half time" to enjoy being out in the middle of the water! The family on board from Alabama!! Oh my gosh, we discovered that they were also staying at the Park Hyatt so it would come to be that I would get to see them on and off all week! A younger couple in their 30s with two, sweet little girls! One in 2nd grade and the other in preschool, I believe. Darlin, totally different personalities! Dad's name, Forrest! Love that! lol! And mom, Catherine and I am telling you, this family was just the sweetest. Gives me hope. Catherine and the little ones were there to support their dad do some scuba. They also got to do some snorkeling because Kenneth Dive rocks! LOL - Catherine said they liked swimming above where Lars and I were because there were so many bubbles!

After First Dive

Before the second dive!

The second dive was even better than the first! We got to go deeper and Mike gave us some independence! Lars really did a better job than I did - "slow and steady wins the race..." I was a bit excited when I spotted something large and began swimming toward it. It is always important to stay together. We saw a HUGE stingray on the ocean floor and it was partially covered in sand. I was not even sure if it was alive, but Mike told me later it was looking at us. Kind of made me nervous because I definitely need more practice at not sinking. We were about 50 ft under during our 2nd dive and we got to stay under for almost an hour. There was an old shipwreck and lots of tropical fish, a lion fish, sea turtles, all kinds of plant life and it was so calm. No talking. Just observing. Quiet. Ocean sounds. They thought we could very possibly see reef sharks or nurse sharks, but we didn't.

Needless to say, beginning our week with Discover Scuba was a joy on many levels. Meeting new people and trying something new even if you're a little scared. Lars has been wanting to get certified. I think we are both ready and eager to pursuit that now! I felt a kind of peace under there that also came with an awareness of privilege and great respect as a visitor.

Keshaun, Lars, Me, Mike (Vajiy in next picture)

Thank you Kenneth Dive!!!

How cool is this!!?? After several hours, our crew and all of us headed up to the nearby, Palm Court Gardens for an early dinner, late lunch, midday snack - whatever - we were starving! :) Clockwise: Me, Mike, 200th dive friend Kathleen, Francy, Charlotte, Catherine, Forrest, Vajiy, Keshaun, Lars - I had so much fun seeing this Alabama family all week where we were staying. Made me very sad to say goodbye :(.

As we waited for our meals, I explored a bit and met this dear local, Mel. Mel was the main gardener, grounds keeper of the beautiful Palm Court Gardens and he showed me around. He was like meeting the Island version of my friend Spike from Duluth, MN. So pure and passionate about the environment and everyone and everything in it. I wondered if he felt appreciated and well compensated for his impeccable work and welcoming kindness and he, of course, said most definitely. I believe that people like Mel always tell the truth, yet their gratitude runs deeper than many. I love you Mel!

This was my lobster bisque at Palm Court Garden and it was very nice. Lars' teeny, tiny Lobster Roll in the back. Mike had tacos and had to order fries after because he was still hungry. I was in heaven because I just experienced scuba and I was on an Island! The food all tasted delicious to me even though the 'cook' inside of me had some critique. Uber expensive for mediocrity. I can touch the water from my chair, please don't over cook the beautiful food from the sea. These thoughts would cross my mind, but would be promptly crushed by my happiness and gratitude for being in paradise. And come on, this sure doesn't look like we're roughin' it, I'm aware! I am going to try to be a true foodie when it comes to the food reviews - even though the under tone will always be - " complaints here! I loved the food!!"

Palm Court Garden

Here's the Fisherman's Village which is a restaurant at the Park Hyatt. Of course I was in LOVE with it because it is ON THE WATER! I love love love that! Who doesn't right?

This was their fried conch - Lars and I agree it was one of our favorite bites of the week. Basically, think fried clam strips. Yum. A bit over on these, but we came to respectfully realize that "well done" was the temperature of the Islands. (gulp)

Lars had a paella at Fisherman's Village one evening. I think it was mid week. It was just wrong. I am sorry. But it was. We both happily brushed off any disappointment at meal time. We would make a few, 'whispered', technical comments to each other and then laugh and say; "Look where we are!"

So, while Lars & his poor crustacean that must've hung under a salamander for a minute get acquainted, this was the point in the week where I did not want the pain of seeing a thrice cooked gorgeous sea animal on my plate so I ordered fries and some kind of grilled cheese. I wanted to like throw on a really cute top that showed my cleavage and slap on my "Statue of David" apron from Italy and go back into the kitchen and ask those HOTTTTTTTTT cooks back there if I could just make them a few things! I would have started with a grilled cheese. Not burnt toast sandwich. And why are we cooking the seafood like it's Texas Brisket, but your fries are mid rare?! 220$!??!! NO COMPLAINTS HERE, I LOVE THE FOOD!


My guy in his sexy linen!! tongue-rolllll.....

Okay this is at the other restaurant at the Park Hyatt. We ate breakfast at this one daily which was taken care of by the conference budget & Lars dined here one evening ourselves. It looks lovely, yes? Lars said it was definitely good. I didn't try the prawn, but I tasted his squid ink pasta and it was nice. It was good or us to have "amuse bouche's" all week I will tell you that! We BOTH need a few more weeks of "amuse bouche style" portions! But a 68$ amuse bouche? That's rough.

Once again, I opted for a vegetarian sandwich and fries. I was HANGRY. Lol. I still returned home with a nice boost to my weight loss plan!

There was never a feeling of anything but joy and gratitude from both myself and Lars this whole week. I couldn't believe how much of an oasis this resort's spa was!

Learning about the history of this Island's resources made things much more clear. They can no longer rely on sugar as their commerce, so 90% of their economy comes from tourists. This is a structure at the resort that emulates an old sugar building.

All of the peaceful moments throughout the week. My spirit was so light and lifted. I failed to get a pedicure or manicure in Houston, so this lovely local named Labrisca gave me a very reasonably priced pedicure and manicure. She was in her 40s with 5 kids of her own and a 21 year old she took in. She has her own business as a nail stylist/technician. Had I gone in for a massage, I would not want to visit, however, I figured if this gal wants to visit, that's fine with me. We had the whole area to ourselves and we visited like two girlfriends who have dished with each other for years. Yes, we mostly talked about men. Low, down, dirty men! Lol. She was a hoot. I admired her. Once we were nearly done - it was about a two hour appointment - Labrisca says to me, "Susan, where is your phone?" I just said I left it back at our room. Here's what I love about Labrisca's reaction - it's honest! She was like, "...whoa, girlie, I don't even sleep without my phone; I don't go to the bathroom without my phone... I have never done anyone's nails who didn't have their phone out..." She did go on like this for a minute. I told her that I am no martyr and I am on my phone plenty, however, my rule is that I do not take it out when I am around others. I get more solitude than the average person, so when I am around others, I keep it in my purse. Even when I am around people I do not know. I like to be aware of my surroundings and I like to make sure I am not missing opportunities to engage with others. She looked at me like I had three heads. Lol

Nearing the end of our perfectly, perfect in every way week!! We walked to Reggae Beach once more on our last evening. Super cute little vibey walk right around the corner from Park Hyatt. The only other area on this strip of land.

That's my kind of table! I loved it here!

Lars did too! We had our same table both times we visited! They made DELISH Rum Punches!!!

Rum Punches!!! Slurp!!!!

Much to our delight, it was Lobster Fest on the last night! The lobster was yummy! Grilled! I loved it! The mahi was so very over! Over over over.... Lars' colleagues' wife, Jamal, fed hers to the local stray cat that was hanging out. She said he loved it. oxoxox

You can dance if you want to....

Goodbye dear Island! You changed me. The most beautiful place and people! I will come back some day to cook! Love you! Tableforsue!

Lars immediately began thinking about the menu for the week once we returned home. Cheese and wine? Check.

Dat porterhouse'll do more than amuse your bouche!

I was happy to see my babies again! My friend Kyle stays at our place with his pup, Pepper so I have peace of mind throughout our time away.

Ocean sounds - thinking of the Islands!

Then this dude on Tik Tok made me totally jones for a fish sandwich! So I made one the second night we returned home.

I know, his looks better, but mine was pretty freaking awesome ya'll and the cod was so luscious and moist!!

Lars made shrimp tacos with sous vi'd shrimp! Eat an overcooked shrimp and a perfectly cooked shrimp some time and you will see the difference. This is my favorite thing to eat. Tacos like this.

And I sprinkle that tajin on pineapples! Thanks to my 5th graders, I never run out of tajin! :) The island inspired us to eat more fruits.

Somewhere over the rainbow, I had this magical week with my love. I got to meet other surgeons who he has worked with for decades and their families. I fell in love with the underwater world and different people from all kinds of backgrounds & ages. There were so many moments where I was just still. Sitting in a kayak by myself with the waves gently rocking and the scenes around me were like being enveloped in hope and faith.
Somewhere over the rainbow, Lars and I need to set up shop and COOK! oxoxox

My Georgie bit my nose upon our return - he was just so excited and never means harm. I had a bit of a tough time returning from our paradise week. Lars went back to his schedule and I immersed myself in cleaning and organizing, writing and reflecting, praying and applying. I believe that I will find my path soon. I think about the book that my mom and I read every day on positive thinking - there is a page a day for 365 days and we started with, "You are exactly where you should be right now..."

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