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  • Writer's pictureSusan Saccoman

Pujol es la Perfección

I was really only there a day and a half! So basically, I feel like I can say, "I flew from Houston to Mexico City to go to dinner with Lars." oxox

I often have to take pause and pinch myself, whisper a word of sincere gratitude and give thanks for the adventures in food & wine that I get to share with Lars. This restaurant gem is a unique destination in beautiful Mexico City. First, in honor of the brilliant chef behind Pujol, here's a glimpse taken from the website which is listed below:


Pujol, Enrique Olvera's first project, opened its doors in 2000. Olvera's cuisine is always transforming, drawing on ideas from here and there that he revisits and also evolve. The roots of his proposal are well rooted in high quality ingredients and the different techniques of Mexican cuisine.

Photos all by Lars 💕


Tennyson 133, Polanco, Polanco IV Secc, Miguel Hidalgo, 11570

Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Lars was invited to speak to hundreds of surgeons in Mexico City last week, (I'm always in such awe of him) and I had the great fortune of joining him for the weekend. I was really only there a day and a half! So basically, I feel like I can say, "I flew from Houston to Mexico City to go to dinner with Lars." I should've worn my big, red dress and borrowed a million dollar diamond necklace! Darn it! The security lets you in when you go up to the gate. My initial impression was hmmmm, this is really going to be high falootin'. Then we kept going.....

Lars and I kind of rolled our eyes and giggled at ourselves when we walked up into Pujol because to the right of those plants was the most relaxed, inviting oasis for guests to wait for their reservation time. We did not realize this, and since we UNPRECEDENTEDLY arrived 25 minutes early, we took a walk before knocking at the gate. We wished we had known about the oasis. Our fault because we didn't think we could arrive quite that early.

Anyway, the instant we stepped into Pujol, my Iron Ranger snobbery toward the high falootin' disappeared. I mean I INSTANTLY felt this vibe that was unmatched by any other $$$$ restaurant I have ever been. I am not sure how they pull this off. Every employee was exceptionally professional, yet very approachable, inviting, easy. Every, single staff member was continually engaged in a task with ease, pride, and pristine attention. I imagine if any young people are working here as a stepping stone to other ventures, they are learning an exceptional lesson in work ethic and the joy of being a part of something so special. I kept thinking about Chef Enrique while we were there because there were so many details that make this restaurant one of the best. Did he think of them all?! The ambiance was beautiful, minimal and natural. The scent - super, super subtle incense that was steady and clean like water. The music was uplifting, sexy, calm and without a genre. Fitting. There were all ages, all backgrounds, black tie dressed to business casual and even casual.

This was moments before it was full. With a restaurant like Pujol, you make a reservation for a time slot. This picture was taken at 8:59pm. By 9:03 it was show time!!

Clean, pristine, minimal. We're talking white glove clean. I was into it.

Lars and I were seated at the "Omakase" bar with 8 or 9 others. Chef Olvera offers a 9 course menu highlighting, of course, Mexican flavors that looked, smelled, and tasted both centuries old and Mexican gastronomy new. It was an event of culinary art and tastes from the best, most natural ingredients you can find.

Ya gotta love not having to open a menu and decide. These are the 9 courses. They shared this simple take home menu with us. I love it - "snacks." Not my usual bowl of gold fish crackers that's for sure. Photos listed in order of the menu. So keep scrolling to see the "snack" course. What a way to wow us right out of the gate!


From left; baby corn, rice, tuna and shaved radish. We LOVED these snacks. They were the perfect morsels to freshen up our buds for the remaining courses! Next picture is a closer shot of the corn.

I just love baby corn!! Fresh, not canned! Well, I never had it like this, of course! Two baby corn that had this smoky husk aroma and they were dipped in a sauce. I will never be able to do justice when it comes to giving you precise ingredients from this visit. Our server told us about each course as they were presented so I will do my best to recall. This was his red mole sauce. Lars and I each took a bite in tandem and our eyes widened with delight!


He continued to awaken our palette's with bright, fresh deliciousness!


If I could have only chosen one of the courses to have seconds on, it would have been this! I loved it! So smooth and flavorful nestled in the most gorgeous tortilla I have ever had. (Well, tied with my Latino students' mama's - oxox)


My all time favorite fish - slow, steady bites between sips of wine. So fresh. So fragrant.


It was like the best clam po' boy you could ever possibly conjure up in your head!


That's my name for it anyway. It was so nice, we shot it thrice.... see the next 3 pics.

You open up the gift and....... (fireworks going off)..... oooooo, ahhhhhh! The first thing we did is slurp up the ocean cream sauce. Woah!!!! YUM!!!

Then, we spooned the toasted sesame on top and one more tilt down the hatch. Like "Sal" says on "Grace & Frankie," - ".....they live in their own spoon." Mmmm, that scallop was perfect. He had to of sous vi'd it. The textural contrast and flavor of everything together - I was just in awe! I think Lars was too. He just doesn't show it as dramatically as I do. My friend Susan says, "Sac - everything with you is like the dying scene from Ophelia!" Lol. I know Lars loved this course as much as I did.


I am sad to say that I do not recall this course being octopus or chorizo for that matter. Eating this like one would eat a taco, it tasted like a beautifully subtle onion with a rich, spanish sauce. Ever since "My Octopus Teacher" on Netflix, I waive octopus. I keep saying to myself I want to shift to a vegetarian life-style. Prayers welcome that I will walk the walk instead of just talking the talk.


Well, what kind of hack food blogger am I if I keep saying I can't describe it! I ate each bite slowly, carefully, savoring the level of expertise and passion that went into this. You can taste the aged fruit, the complex, deep rich flavor of the earth, really. This petite course, paired with a vino blanco was so satisfying. In this case, size doesn't matter. It was the absolute perfect amount to enjoy before a fresh, splash of shellfish broth that came after in a fancy 'dixie cup.'


Can you believe this! Remember, we're in Mexico City and Chef Olvera offers a 9 course Omakase style menu featuring TACOs!!!! They made tortilla's out of JICAMA and we ate this refreshing, flawless, cooling to the tummy dessert like a taco! I would have had seconds on this one too! However, the masters of Pujol do certainly think of every detail because the timing of each course, the amount, the progression, all of it - you feel complete and utter content after your last bite of this mango taco. You sip your last few drops of espresso and smile knowing that you just had the great fortune of eating at one of the best restaurants in the whole, wide world! Thank you Lars! I love you!

Saludos a Pujol y Enrique Olvera!

Cinco besos! 💋💋💋💋💋

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