I am a sad excuse for an animal lover. I have nothing but love, respect, admiration, and mostly adoration for our brothers, sisters, and all who dedicate their lives to a vegan lifestyle and/or moreover, take care of unwanted or mistreated animals. My heart screams at me to join them.
Then, my friends take me to OMC Smokehouse in Duluth, MN and the choices are 'oink, moo, or cluck!' Oh, no. Since the vast majority of us do prefer our protein in the form of meat, we can still do our part to ensure we are eating food that is sustainable and sourced from local farms.
OMC Smokehouse
1909 West Superior St.
Duluth, MN 55806

There is no place on OMC's site that shares a story. What is paramount about a great smokehouse is when they share with their guests their pride in working with local farms and ingredients. Well, I think so anyway. How about it OMC? Why not pair your lovely venue, great location, and impressive menu with a little online education on your site?
It was a wonderful evening! I got to share my night with two, close high school friends, Mike and Lynn and an old 4-H camp friend, Spike or Steve! There's something so special about mixing your top favorite people together when they've never met! So many stories to tell, but moreover, I realize that my friendship's that have stood the test of 30 plus years are still strong because these are some exceptional people. They work hard, love their families, care for the people in their lives and give back in so many ways. My friend Spike is over 70 years old and he runs marathons, cares for the elderly at a nursing home, voluntarily cleans up his community and I have yet to meet someone who cares for our planet as much as Spike! Visiting his home in Duluth, MN would be a learning experience for us all. Mike and Lynn are both MIB class of 90 graduates like myself. (Mt. Iron-Buhl, MN) I have known MIke since the 1st grade and Lynn since the 8th grade. The beautiful thing about Mike is that he honestly has been the kindest, big hearted person from the age of 7 to now. Of course the universe attached him to a life partner that would compliment his sweet nature. I'm so grateful for these friends! Oh my gosh we laughed! I mean hard! Makes ya stop and think - do I laugh hard like that enough? I don't think so. We gotta fix that.
Well, OMC must've been good, because I forgot to snap pictures! When I finally realized, Mike shot a quick one of me taking the last bite of my beef taco mid laughter. Years ago, I used to hide spicy peppers or hot sauce in Spike's food because he is one of those who thinks black pepper is hot. For old time sake, I doused my taco in my fiery sauce and pleaded for Spike to just taste it even though he was full. He, of course, did! And it was a 5 alarm situation! LOL!!!!! Camp gags are still hilarious! Believe me - he got me plenty of times!! Usually involving snake gags - that's way meaner!!
Mike had OMC's Gumbo. He loved it!! Lynn said it was yummy too! I just had gumbo at Dooky Chase's in New Orleans, so .... Lynn and I had tacos - hers chicken, and mine beef brisket!! We shared, but Lynn was generous in only eating one of the beef tacos! Spike had a pulled pork sandwich and it was finished before I could ask for a bite! I realize not everyone is okay with sharing sandwich bites. I once shared my sandwich at school with a few students (BC - before Covid) and we just each took bites until it was gone. So, it doesn't bother me non. Italians! lol.
OMC has terrific shots of their dishes so check out the link above. I am hoping they'll add an "ABOUT" section to their website soon. They should share their story as it is something to be proud of. Moreover, share their pride in how they source their offerings.
4 kisses to OMC!
Brisket taco with some nice, hot sauce!! A little pork rind left on da plate cuz like Spike says, they taste like rice cakes! I told him these ones at OMC are just an edible vehicle to taste their 4 sauces! Omgosh, OMC - the one made with rhubarb!!! Genius!!
Spike! This Picture is for you! Even though you still use a flip phone and don't have a laptop. God love you!

Me, Mike & Lynn oxoxox

Me & Spike! oxoxo
