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  • Writer's pictureSusan Saccoman

Oh no Hugo🥲

Lars has been wanting to take me to Hugo’s for 5 years. We finally went last night for a spur of the moment choice because the electricity was out. Hugo’s said they’d stay open until 9pm. We arrived at 8:30 right when the power came on.

The ‘feel’ was immediately unwelcoming & rushed. I get it because I’ve worked in the restaurant industry. Staff had that ‘snow day for teachers’ feeling when they thought they would close an hour early. Even though the power was restored, they kept their 9pm closure. We immediately ordered the ‘Restaurant Week’ course pairings WITH drink pairings. Lars did carne, I did vegetarian. 55$ each plus 27$ each for drinks. Our orders were in by 8:40. I think very reasonable since when we called they said, ‘come on in, the kitchen is open til 9.’

I’ve heard great things about Hugo’s from Houstonians and even saw Andrew Zimmerman rave about their brunch on the Zimmerman List. I get that it may have been a fluke, a bad night. But boy was I disappointed.

Exciting!!! Can’t wait to check out more spots!! Each restaurant offers a special course of their featured menu items.

These were my vegetarian courses.

Okay, so like scrumptious, homemade tortillas. Then you scoop up just crisp cucumber, corn, zucchini, apparently avocado, but there was nothing. No real flavor. Needed zest & juice from lime or lemon, shaved serrano chilis, SALT, pepper. The margarita was delish.

3 little potato tacos with Napa cabbage and this tomatillo salsa was very yummy and it would be something I will order again when I give Hugo’s another try. Delicious salsa!!!

It looks gorgeous right?!?! A chili relleno is like a thing of beauty. Just no! I was like annoyed and heart broken at how awfully executed this was. Like my soul was offended for all of my Latino people out there who I passionately love. Wrong, wrong, wrong. No flavor. None. Not in the rice, nor the beans, NOR the chili! A beet garnish? Where’s the jalapeño? No ooze in the relleno. Whatever was in my bowl for course one, was tipped into this chili and warmed under the salamander. Bummer. I am not one to gripe. Especially when they’re getting close to closing. Not necessary. I’ll ‘yelp’ instead. Lol No heat, no salt, no acid, no cilantro, I mean, every bite literally had the same, one note flavor of nothingness. I finally gave up less than 1/2 way in. When Lars went in with his fork, I’m like, it’s too sad to even try. You know it’s not right when he parks his fork after one bite. Sorry, not sorry. It’s a total bummer that must be said. I think any brave, smart leader values constructive criticism.

And then, our fast server who was fine, just chomping at the bit to run free into Montrose, dropped this down for the finale. A flourless chocolate cake. So beautiful! I went in with a spoon and as I lifted it, my arm extended as far above my head as it would go and the other end of that HAIR was still on the plate!!!!! It was a hair off the head of either Cruella Deville or a wild horse. “Speedy” whizzed by and I’m like, “my dear - look…. I can’t.” He apologized, brought another, apologized again and we had a few nibbles, but I guess a thick, longer than shit hair in my food might be a new way to abstain from eating the wrong things?? No, that’s awful. Anyway, it happens. I loved that espresso liqueur!! It was the best ending.

I will definitely give Hugo’s another shot, but there are some unbeatable tacos in this city and thus far, the trucks & stands are unbeatable.

2 kisses for the tomatillo/taco course & the final espresso drink.


1600 Westheimer

Houston, TX

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