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  • Writer's pictureSusan Saccoman

Magic Lemonade 911

Updated: Jun 17, 2023

It all started with getting my mom and dad set up with their "left overs meal request" before giving them both a pedicure.

My parents cute kitchen - mom wanted her left over spaghetti made with Jimmy Dean sausage and canned, diced tomatoes. My mom has cooked many a delicious homemade meal over the years. I think she's over it. Who can blame her. I made my dad a hot ham and cheese and he pretty much likes dunking anything in BBQ sauce.

My dad is 80 and suffers from peripheral neuropathy. My mom is 79 and is an amazing caretaker, but also deals with knee pain. I had not been home for a visit in 5 months and I was eager to just spend time with my mom and dad. I tend to run around a lot when I am home. I only had three full days, but like my mom said, "we sure did a lot." My mom and I ran to see my brother and sister in law's new home and I got to see family, visit, and share some wine from California. Their house is just spectacular! Mom and I also went to do a little shopping and visit with our friends in Savage and hug up on my Golden Retrievers! Mom, Dad and I had time together watching Wheel of Fortune and catching up on everything. It was such a boost to be with friends and family and just slumbering with my parents in their cozy home.

I didn't take any photos when I was home except for the "left over meal" because I was charmed by it. I was unplugged for 4 days and didn't even think about my phone. Then, when I got to the airport in Minneapolis to head back to Houston, I realized I didn't take any pictures. It made me smile because I didn't need any. With every moment of my visit home, I was present with the people I love. For me, it is something I am striving to get better and better at because just putting your phone away doesn't automatically mean you're present. I guess I am setting you all up with my false sense of pride.... read on to hear about how royally I screwed up!

On Sunday early evening, mom and dad were both in their nice lift recliners and I told them I was going to get them supper and do their pedicures. It was around 5pm. This was the evening they both wanted simple, warm-up meals. I was itching to cook, but I think it is more important to give our older loved ones whatever they want. I showed my parents this liquid cbd/thc that I got from California. I have put it in my beverage if I have muscle pain. My dad has tried edibles and medical marijuana many times over the years so I wasn't worried about him trying a small dose, however, my mom has only tried a gummy once or twice and didn't like it. I always try something first and I knew this was very light and the strain was for body so I knew there was no head buzz. I did not try to persuade them in any way - I showed them what it was, put a micro dose in their lemonade's and they both enjoyed the Magic Lemonade with their supper. I did not have pain, so I did not partake.

After clearing their plates (it was kind of like "Spa Night" and I was waiting on them because my mom doesn't get waited on), I got my dad's feet soaking in the minty water bath. Giving my dad a pedicure is something that only I do. His feet are excruciatingly sensitive. I have to be extremely delicate and careful at cutting all of his toenails and I have to do it as efficiently as possible. Then I spend a lot of time rubbing topicals and other cooling creams onto each of his feet. Excuse the use of the word toenails and feet in today's food blog. Toward the end, my dad kind of chuckled and said, "my feet have never had so much attention..." The way he said it made my mom and I laugh and then all three of us laughed. When I stopped laughing and they continued, my heart sank a little, but I wasn't too worried.

I then soaked mumma's tootsies. My dad was very relaxed and comfortable. The thing about nerve pain is that it is very inconsistent and sudden. It is something he is always trying to manage. He is the strongest man I have ever known! My mom? Well, she is even stronger. Seriously! The pain tolerance of a champ - one of few things I do not have in common with her. She takes little to no medication ever and at 79, she has only been in the hospital four times. My three brothers and me. Never has she been under. It is miraculous and a blessing! No wonder she is so reluctant to have knee surgery! Anyway, I was no sooner on her second foot when she said to me, "Uh, oh... I don't like this." CRAP. Inside I was just like beating myself to a pulp. I mean they're both on other medication, they're older, we already know mom didn't like gummies - WHY did I give them that!??!! Inside I was just miserably sorry. On the outside I was like Miss Calm, Cool, and Collected. It's good to know that my instinct behavior is so uncharacteristic of me in stressful situations. :).

I put a cool cloth on my mom's forehead and gave her a tall glass of lemon water and a dark chocolate for blood sugar. She felt kind of panicky. Which DUH!!!!! makes sense because she's panicky by nature. I asked her if she felt sick and she said no. She said, "I feel woozy." I thought woozy was sick. Anyway, it wasn't awful. She handled the discomfort well as I rubbed her knees with soothing gel. I told her it probably wasn't even the magic lemonade because the dose I gave was so small. It was probably that Jimmy Dean spaghetti!! We laughed. The whole time, my dad was either relaxed or even chuckling at my mom for being such a light weight. I'm like, "Dad! Don't laugh at mom!" Then all three of us would laugh. Slowly, the torture I am putting on myself internally is diminishing and I knew this stuff would not last long. Then, my dad had to get up to go to the bathroom.

My dad uses a walker and also has an oxygen line. He got up and used the restroom two times. My mom was checking in both times. On the third trip around 9pm, my mom called for me. All I can say is that he was in good spirits, breathing normally, coherent, however, he simply could not use his legs. "Mom, it is going to be okay. Dad, this is all my fault, I am so sorry." My mom was doing good. Dad patted my leg and said, "ah, it's okay." This was really the worst of it. He was standing using his walker, then I gently helped him to his knees, then I got him in a comfortable lying position surrounded by pillows on mom's very clean bathroom floor, oxygen in tact. All three of us were calm as long as dad was comfortable and he was now. "Dad, we are going to get some help." He told us he was okay and just needed to lay there a bit. I guess I am naive because I thought that calling 911 automatically means he would have to go in the ambulance. With much experience, my dad will never go in again unless absolutely necessary. I messaged my dear friend who has been a St. Paul firefighter for years and he immediately responded letting me know that the paramedics will help and that's what they are there for and we do not have to go if your dad doesn't give consent. When I realized this, I called 911. Neither of my parents realized they would come just to help either so they were skeptical that this was true. Mom stood in the doorway of the bathroom looking at my dad's 'slumber party' set up on the bathroom floor & asked, "should we just leave him there?" Then all three of us laughed.

Within 10 minutes, two paramedics arrived. I had the garage door open and they came to the door in awe of my mom's pristine garage. I showed them where the bathroom was and that is where both mom and dad were. Again, all three of us very calm. They were exceptional! So happy to see my dad surrounded by pillows and they made him very comfortable and said they'd do all of the work to help him up. They kept marveling at the whole scenario saying that we wouldn't believe the horrible situations they encounter. I explained to them both how the evening went and showed them what I spiked the lemonade with. While the one guy was helping my dad, I shared all of my dad's medication with the gal paramedic. She was not concerned about what I gave my parents and they explained to me that the delta 8, 9, 10 products have proven to cause more havoc in their runs. Obviously, it affected both of my parents and they will not be partaking at all ever again, however, it came quite as quickly as it drifted away. My dad was up and used his walker like a champ to get back to his recliner. The two, young paramedics were so personable, compassionate and funny! The guy exclaimed, "Next time you're in town giving pedicures and getting folks stoned, call me." I believe they knew how sorry I was and the humor did help. As my mom walked them to the door, she suddenly stopped herself and said, "Ohhhh.... I almost said, what's that ambulance doing out there!!!" We laughed and they said to her, "That's our ride." I sent an email to the Department Chief regarding the whole experience and how appreciative I was. From the 911 call where I calmly explained I got my parents high to the incredible two-some that made everything easy-breezy. He responded with much thanks as his emails are often not met with gratitude.

All 3 of us stayed up for a while longer. They both needed "2nd Dinner!" lol I held my dad's hand and again said I was so sorry. I am pretty sure my dad could never be upset with me. And my mom knew I felt bad enough so she was a trooper too. Out of this came some light - Never will I ever offer magic lemonade to seniors or those on other meds; I shoulda poured Frankie a whiskey water instead; We now know that 911 can offer help without the ambulance ride; When I had to head back to Houston, mom said, "Now we have to go back to normal - I don't want to." Thankfully, bringing a little excitement concluded with both of them sleeping past 9am the next day with the essence of Bengay wafting through their townhome.

(I read this to mom and dad for approval to publish. My dad and I visited on the phone after I returned to Houston - " just don't worry about that anymore now! You have another good story." ❤️) So there! ox

“I make mistakes like the next man. In fact, being--forgive me--rather cleverer than most men, my mistakes tend to be correspondingly huger.”

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