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Before, During, & After the 2024 Election

Writer's picture: Susan SaccomanSusan Saccoman

No matter which way your wind blows, there are incredible dishes and laughable truths from my unpopular way of thinking when it comes to politics. Filled with reflective stories and food therapy that brought us to today - November 10th, 2024. Gulp.

Welcome to tableforsue!!! I promise it is going to be a fun one!! A delicious one!!! And testaments that honor more than one perspective. I hope this might inspire a bit of unity between even just a few of you.

Before 11/5/2024:

I will only go back to October of this year. Lars and I took a quick trip visit to see my mom and dad. It was really wonderful. Lars only had one full day due to work. We flew in at midnight on Friday and mom and I brought him to the airport Sunday at 1pm. I stayed a few extra days. My parents were so grateful that Lars came, even if so briefly. It is so important to me that they see us together. It is plain to see that their daughter has found a beautiful love.

My mom teased how Lars is used to duck and ribeye and we popped over to Qwick Trip to grab a bunch of chicken and some slaw. Yum!! I miss eating normal food sometimes. lol

This was actually in Houston upon return, but we had a refreshing, "phone-free" time with my parents at their assisted living community (there is a guest suite right down the hall from their apartment) so I forgot to take pictures. Mom, dad, Lars and I had fried chicken, slaw, and some mac and cheese with our own tv trays. It was awesome. (Yes, I always need a fresh chili with my meal. My tummy hates me for it!)

After Lars went back to Houston, I had one on one time with my mom and with my dad and we had time together as well. The last time I was home a few months prior, they were both sick with Covid and my dad was in the hospital, then rehab for two weeks. It was so good to see them both home again. My dad has battled chronic pain due to peripheral neuropathy for nearly twenty years. Mom is his caretaker and he is still her rock. They're in their 80s and I love, love, love their community. That is everything! I have gotten to know many of their resident friends and I just love them all. My parents have given their lives to their family and it is my joy and honor and duty to support them as much as I can throughout the challenges of "Act 3." The chronic pain over this many years understandably wears on them both.

Over time, I have found great success and value through being brave enough to be vulnerable, encouraging open communication, emulating accountability and forgiveness, and showing a tremendous amount of love and patience. Over time, I have also found that these beautiful qualities that enrich my life in bounties every day are somehow resisted as the answer to so many around me. I bring only a love energy around my parents because I know it fills their tanks a bit more each time.

What does love energy look like? Presence. I truly want to be with my parents. I always have. I find great comfort and happiness being with them. Being present is above the surface. Imagine any relationship in your life that you really love being a part of. You love being around that person or that group of people. See yourself. Feel it. You are present, engaged, safe, happy. It deeply saddens me when I constantly observe people who are there physically, but are not at all present. Especially when it comes to a demographic such as the elderly. If we were smart and brave we would get over ourselves and make some simple accommodations. My parents and many of the residents in their community have obstacles like hearing, memory loss, losing train of thought or word recognition so it takes a bit longer for them to have the floor, speech challenges from a stroke, etc, often less exposure to technology advancements & have sourced their news no differently today than in 1970, and the list goes on. I am shocked by the number of people who treat our old timers like they're fixtures in a room and somehow just by you being in their physical vicinity, you think you're doing them some kind of favor? You would be kinder to not be there at all. These are our parents and grandparents. They have all lived longer and experienced more. And there isn't one, single resident, including my parents who I have met that has not been so interesting and wonderful to visit with. Because I am a big talker, I love practicing being an excellent listener with people who are over 80. Eye contact and close proximity are essential. Smiling and loving what you're hearing. Asking them to repeat something if you didn't catch it is certainly better than pretending you understand. These are all ways that most of you 'visit' with any person in your life. It just often takes much more time with older folks and goodness knows, we just don't have time. 🙄

I am here to say you are missing out! I have so much respect for our elderly. I learn so much about myself and the world from them. How dare anyone decide for them that they've nothing left to say. As if all of us, if we are fortunate, will some day not be there as well. I for one cannot wait!!! I am going to be soooooo crazy!!!! In the best way possible.

My parents are both high school graduates. Mom was a homemaker and my dad was a barber and then a foreman in the taconite mines. They raised us as very proud patriots and always as democrats. We had healthy discourse during election time in my town, healthy competition, and whoever won, that was our new President! I sat down with both of them separately and together. I positioned myself so that my dad could see me and hear me. I simply and easily conversed with him with love. That's my dad. These are my parents. They have shown millions of times, millions of ways what hard work, giving to their community, love, doing what is right, respecting others, owning mistakes, and being selfless looks like over my entire 52 years. Wrapping my brain around how my mom and dad were going to vote for Donald Trump was like feeling very unexplored emotions in relation to my parents. It would be different if they were suffering from Alzheimer's, of course. They are both still sharp. Well, mom is as sharp as sharp as she has always been. I mean that with love. She is very "Edith Bunker." Which, hello, made it that much more confusing for me to compute about their politic shift. Of course this was not over night. I just assumed that considering the stack up of stuff he has displayed leading up to this election would easily have been enough for them to finally say, "Oh hell no!!" Nope. My dad watched Trump's speech at Madison Square Garden and when mom and I walked in from shopping he said, "You guys missed an excellent speech!!" He was smiling. He wasn't in pain. He was proud, actually. Why in the actual hell would I push back on him in that moment?? He doesn't deserve for anyone to interrupt any moments of his day that are positive to him. I just smiled and said, "Oh darn, I will rewatch it online right now and report back okay! You're serious right?" He said yes!!! It was excellent! Watch it. "Well I am so glad to hear that, Dad! I will let you know what I think." So I went to watch it. With an added lens that came from my unmeasurable love for both of my parents. The teacher in me and the little girl who was raised to believe that all of his behaviors are absolutely deplorable viewed his speech with discomfort as he didn't seem to say much of anything useful. However, the daughter in me, looked beyond that a bit and recognized the pieces where my dad would have seen as an excellent speech. "You're right dad!! He definitely didn't use a teleprompter which makes it a lot more real. And he did good. I still would never vote for him, but I want to talk with you about why if we could?"

I shared with my dad that any person in my life who supports him is never ever ever ever able to give me help to understand why. They alllllll get nasty and harsh toward the opposite side. Although I believe nasty, harsh yields nothing but the same, I am certain the disgust is valid. But I don't get how they can be that ugly toward some people and policies, but not the other? My dad shared with me how his party is unrecognizable to him. He shared his thoughts about the economy and border patrol and wars that are taking place. I listened intently. I shared with him about my opinions on media. Just say for the last 20 years; since you were first hospitalized. You both have watched local news and Fox news and maybe splashes of CNN. Neither of you have ever been online. Joe, my oldest brother who is a doctor, shared how the evils of media and the political elite are one in the same.

It could be possible that you both have been lacking more perspective from your sources. It is not to say that wouldn't be exactly true for me as well. Luckily, I get quite a few perspectives from Lars and because I get out into the world and engage with everyone. And because I always want to communicate with others. Many many many many have said with their hand up - "I don't think people should talk about politics!!" What the F?!!! That's ludicrous! And only valid, in my opinion, when it comes to folks who can't talk or listen they just scream or act a fool. No wonder why we've come to a place where most think it's best to just keep it private. Because, once again, adults can't seem to just dialogue. A result of our leaders constantly bashing each other on their platforms for the world and our children to constantly observe! Not discussing politics would be like telling my students to privately read, come up with their own conclusions, and never discuss other avenues with their peers. Duh!!!!!!!! We must talk about our country - it's for us, the people!!

So, my parents both agreed that it is so impossible to know what to believe nowadays. Or perhaps that has been the case in our government for a very long time. When you think of the word Politician. What is the first adjective that immediately enters your mind since you can remember? Ya, me too. There's a reason for that. And it ain't one man. I did get very vulnerable with my folks by saying that I truly understand how their party is unrecognizable. They basically see things like pushing to allow litter boxes in public schools so 9 year olds who identify as "furries" can use the restroom. Or misinformation about abortions and how the left basically views it as an easy contraceptive. The list goes on. Think about it. The mass media is bullshit!!!! The corruption runs deep and for long. When they constantly shoved data in our faces as a teacher in high poverty showing that our kids were making no progress - there certainly was no use in me blaming the kids or their families or the admin or the system or the run in my panty hose - I had to figure out what I needed to change about my instruction. Because times change!! It always meant breaking every damn rule they threw at me, but the success came which meant those rules were no longer working!!! Because times change!! I still grapple with it of course. I went on to ask my mom and dad if they can understand my position too. Everything they taught me as the most important values of all in life have been smeared through the dirt by this man. When I asked them about that there was a lot they did not know, (one-sided sources) and there were things they agreed were unacceptable, but making allowances saying, "there are many liars and cheaters in politics." True. But your decisions to vote for him are telling me that you're okay with dismissing the most valuable things you have taught me about character because..... the alternative appeared worse! And that is why so MANY good folks in our country voted for him! And that is why I feel way less agitated about Donald Trump and his voters because it has shoved all of us who are sane, even, perhaps especially, those who voted for him to get our government to examine their messes and GET WITH THE TIMES!! And PS: I am willing to bet a ton of folks in your life voted for him, but they told you they didn't. Nobody wants to discuss politics with people who are hot headed, closed minded, loud mouths. ha - irony irony irony

So, I left Minnesota after a very present and positive 4 days with my parents. I took everything they shared with me and really thought about it all from their point of view. Mom and I sat down in the lobby a few times with up to 12 resident friends and visited for hours and every person I visited with had so much insight into politics and life. I had to just be willing to take the time to listen. Well, I returned to Houston with some things to reflect on and had only a few days to get ready for our romantic get away to Paso Robles, CA. I was feeling extremely confident that Vice President Harris would win. I honestly was like 99.9999% sure. And I was the only one in my school who forecasted Trump to win in 2016. Basically, we left for Paso without election anxiety because we were both pretty confident that Americans wouldn't vote for a felon. I will admit though, after visiting with my folks and some friends, some seeds of doubt began brewing.

Lars and I flew to San Francisco on Halloween morning! He works mad hours and he really enjoys going to any wine country destination as often as he can. We rented a car and made our way to Paso which is about 3.5 hours from the airport.

Oh, I forgot, the week before Paso, we joined a virtual wine tasting. One of those things where you have to make your own fun cuz that was a zoom of 75 people who paid to be a part of a snore festival. Ha

We enjoyed ourselves with the camera and microphone off 😈!

Back to Halloween - we arrived in Paso Robles and Lars got us this darling cabin at Inn Paradiso. I took a deep, deep breath as the air was crisp and the temperatures were cool. I kept a wood fire burning because it was heaven. Polar bears do not live in Texas for a reason - I'm a polar bear!

Views of the cabin next to us during the day and at night and the path into the Inn outside of our little "Artist's Cabin." We certainly recommend this lovely stay if you're ever in Paso Robles, CA.

Lars loves tasting menus and he enjoys reading reviews before we travel to find new spots to try. I love this about him. He's very thorough. If traveling were up to me, we would probably never get in anywhere because I'm all like...."...let's just play it by ear." Yes, he is the ying to my yang.

Our first evening we had resy's at Les Petites Canailles - I admit, I am an absolute judgy, wench who eye rolls at a restaurant I can't pronounce and to this day the shock and awe of spending over 1,000$ on a meal for two with wine pairings has never subsided. Especially when I am jonesin' for a cheeseburger after we leave because their portions are so teeny weeny. I feel you readers who are eye rollin and scrunching up your noses at the pics and menu descriptions. I happen to think that I am being personally tested. 30 year high poverty 5th grade teacher; grew up blue collar. I've always stood for inclusivity and equality YET I have huge judgements about the RICH!!! Now, here I am, experiencing the world with Lars and I am introduced to luxury that I have kind of stuck my nose up to. Lars is passionate about food and wine. He really loves and appreciates trying new, innovative food and wine experiences. I guess what I am trying to say is that these restaurants will never be my first choice or even my second, but I am absolutely grateful to enjoy them with Lars and more importantly, practice what I preach about being so quick to judge. Even the rich.

See the menu for course descriptions. It was all delicious, but my favorite was the herbaceous risotto!! Lars ate my snails in there - ishhhh!! And I was still hungry when we left so I had some Halloween candy. The wine!!!! I truly appreciate wine pairings with great food. What a treat! I love a 'kitschy' bill fold too. In't that cute? Especially at a snooty joint.

On Friday morning we started with a 10am wine tasting at L'Aventure! were here the last time we visited Paso and loved it. It makes a huge difference to me when the wine host is less pretentious and makes the experience more light and less wikipedia. See, there I go judging again. Anyway, we had a ball in the cave tasting their incredible zins and Leanne was a hoot! She snorted when she laughed so I kept trying to get more snorts. I look drunk because I am a cheap date and the only reason I didn't mind a photo in the vineyard was because it was delightfully cold and snakes were under ground. Spectacular views at L'Aventure. I sure would love for Lars to meet Stephan, the owner, because they have such similar philosophies and brains about their wine passion. Completely unpretentious! In fact, I quoted Steel Magnolias more than once on this trip to folks - "An ounce of pretension is worth a pound of manure!"
On the very bottom, you will see that we had to find a lunch spot to soak up my buzz. Ohhhhhh Myyyyyy Goshhhhhh!!! If you are ever in Paso Robles we strongly recommend Etto Pasta Bar. Expensive, but that seems to be a common theme in CA. Lars had squid ink ravioli in a seafood broth and loved it - that's not my jam. I had delicious pumpkin pasta in a very light parm sauce and it was perfection. I also ordered a bean dish because I am obsessed with beans lately. I never heard of Corona beans, but they were bigger than butter beans and delectable!! I farted all night long.

We decided to enjoy some time at our lovely cabin for some rest and relaxation. I was aware of our little bubble - a brief break before getting back to reality - and November 5th was right around that corner. So when in Rome!!! We stopped at a dispensary and I grabbed some medicinal candy. Texas is not legal, so I have been going months at a time without buying them. Interestingly enough, I realized that I am quite better without them now. They were fun while they lasted and they got me through some really tough times. I love a legal state dispensary though!! I was like, "LARS!!! can you stop there??" He rolls his eyes, pulls into a parking spot, and waits for me to go in and out. He has never come in with me because he hates the smell. I LOVE IT!! I'm like, well, I am to the plant as you are to the juice!! I get as excited about checking out a dispensary as you get when we go to a vineyard. Anyway, whew - these were fast acting. I had the giggles. I absolutely decided a few bags of these to get through election week would be a great plan. 1000/10 recommend. Just not Frankie. She can never have one again. 😆 (Ps: it may come as a shock to some close to me, but I love being weed free - minus 2025 election season - because it does not currently add to my goals - but I will definitely revisit my 420 club if I am blessed enough to live past 80! I dream of being the most fun loving, weed using, peace making, old lady that ever lived!!)

Now here is a place that puts me in my place as far as being judgy with extravagance. We almost never revisit a tasting menu restaurant because they are very pricy and we just enjoy trying new ones during any of our destinations. Six Test Kitchen is one of only a few places that we had to go to for a second time!!! The great thing about tasting menus are that they evolve with the seasons so you will always have new offerings to try. Please check out the Mustang News article if you would like to read more, but head chef, Ricky Odbert is such an exceptional person, really. So rare to find someone like him. He has no interest in being seen as the head chef. His small crew just cook right in front of you like a perfectly timed orchestra and they are all like friends that you have known for a long time. The atmosphere really does feel like you're eating killer food and drinking delicious wine in your neighbor's glammed up garage. (Ricky began Six Test out of his garage). They serve 12 people, twice a day Wed - Sat, I believe. Try and get here once in your life because it truly is an experience. I would give every aspect of this place a perfect score BOTH times we went. The only thing I didn't get was that broccoli dish. I have never liked custardy things even when it comes to dessert; so that is just an individual taste. I told Lars that I love Ricky and his staff so much, I didn't have the heart to tell him when he asked about that one. They're all just lovely and we are definitely going back!! 100 kisses to Chef Ricky and his inspiring team. Oh goodness, I look at the pictures and think...."Oh gosh that was incredible!!" So damn good, I almost forgot that November 5th was now only a few days away.

This was Saturday morning at Every tasting is different and it was really great to just check out their barrel room and then relax with some delicious wine with very little verbiage. Lars and I could just sit, sip, and visit. Their box wine is so cool!! They started making it for their clients who live in Hawaii because there are no glass recycling plants there. Also, the barrel I am pointing to shows that they source some of their wood from my home state of Minnesota.

Instead of a cabin siesta, we decided to drive to Cambria so we could gauge how far the ocean was from Paso. It only took us about 15 minutes so I was in heaven because Paso Robles, I think, may be currently #1 on Lars' retirement destination list. I would go anywhere North preferably near the sea.

We just enjoyed some kisses on this darling love bench and breathed in the beautiful scents of the ocean. I realize the waters are cooler here, but no problem!! I will wear a wet suit!

Wrapping up our sweet get away with buzzy cocktails, more quests for the perfect burger, and breathtaking views from our last wine tasting at incredible Daou Vineyards. Delicious food and a wonderful staff at

Okay!!!! After a lot of fine dining along with the last few hours of savoring the cool temperatures before landing in humid, Houston, we found a homey Italian spot on the way to SFO airport (we catch a red eye and get home Monday at 5am). I was really in the mood for pizza, but their entire menu was so alluring!! TERUN PIZZA!!!! Wow you guys!!! I wish I would have taken more photos. It was such a quaint spot in Palo Alto, Ca. We honestly felt like we were back in Naples, Italy. All of the smells and our scrumptious, Italian server!! You just get that 'feel' of warmth and connection. Not a soul had their phones out.

I cannot quite express enough how blown away by this fava bean salad we were!! And it takes a lot to blow Lars away food wise. A lot!! We both could not believe the portion to cost. Not to mention the Michelin quality!! If you love fava beans like we do, you know they are not on many menus. They're a pain in the ass to shell. We forgot to ask, but these definitely tasted fresh. May have been frozen? Either way, you NEVER get such an abundance and the light lemon drizzle with aged reggiano was just delicious! A splash of broccolini to bulk it up. We also started with their porchetta and pizza dough - traditional, Italian porchetta is different from the Range "porketta" I grew up on. Like many food adaptations, I love & appreciate them both for what they are. Lars often puts his nose up to dishes that are not classically offered. He would probably dispute that, but it's true. Anyway, this porchetta was 100/10 for me!! I love the thin slice and fresh, fresh, fresh!! The pizza dough read sweet to me, but delicious anyway. We shared a shroom and artichoke pizza. (oops, I think I got all of the prosciutto!) It was perfect as well. We both agreed that we are definitely stopping here again if we ever return to Paso because there are pastas and other menu items we are dying to try. These two will always be the starters though, I think!! Yum!!!! And I am down for chili oil to top my ZA!!! It's like the upgrade to crushed pepper. Make sure it's a quality olive oil.

Please don't come for me. I am not one to be disrespectful for sport. Honestly. I don't like mean. But on our way to fill up the rental and head to the airport, we saw this on a dumpster. Only in California. It is very "SNL" and I am a comic!! An equal opportunity offender! This may have been my last little stroke of optimism because as of 9pm on this Sunday, November 3, 2024, I sincerely believed that America was going to vote based on character. I had not weighed the options as carefully. I could never have thought anything would "trump" so many of his choices that we cannot possibly accept for our young people, or any of our people, to emulate? I was still quite "up" here as you can see. Listen, this is actually a fun photo. I love village idiots. I know many. I may have even been one from time to time. I bet you have too! God knows I taught a few and God knows I worked with MANY!!!!! Doesn't mean they should run the country. I know. I agree. He is not a village idiot in a variety of proven ways. Hello!! He won!! Again!! But he has also said plenty of Village Idiot things so I think we can all agree that he has his moments. Perhaps an added piece that his voters connect with. His unscripted approach makes him vulnerable to a plethora of Village Idiot occasions. If this is reading all over the map to you - well that's because I was, I am, I continue to be whenever it comes to politics in relation to how my heart navigates through. What usually happens (and I have experienced this since childhood), is that both "sides" of people in my life are annoyed by not being so rooted one way or the other. Especially and obviously because I am also so outspoken. I guess you have to have kahonay's to be unpopular some of the time or more of the time. I do not find it to be a weakness to not be rooted in some things. Teaching public school for many years offered continued practice with collaboration, diversity, conflict resolution, you get it - the whole shabang. Point being, many instances in my profession called for examining all perspectives. I think our biggest frustrations come when we may see solutions so easily and clearly in some areas where other so called 'at the top' folks act like it's the riddle of the Sphyinx! Okay, I am rambling, as usual. A long time friend begrudgingly stated, "Oh, another Sue-Ism? Ya, didn't get to it." Ahhhh, inhale. Exhale. We give grace to those not feeling their best and know we are only responsible for how we respond to any event. Politics have never been a strength. I have grown much more responsible about staying informed than I was in my 20s and 30s and even 40s. I voted blue. Period. Always. Even when I began loathing the way my left colleagues were behaving starting around 2015. Gradually not wanting to associate with being a Democrat if that's what it meant. I mean zero room for discussion. Just like what I have observed from the few republicans I have known at that point in my life. See how naive I sound? That's me. I am an artist. A dreamer. A teacher. Hopefully a peacemaker. If I had 30 inner city kids in my room and we had days where nothing was going right. Moods were high. Conflicts happening. If I chose to pause, reflect, and make a new plan that helped shift us all to a better place, (often through food and/or going outside for a bit of recess), the outcome was always successful FOR EVERYONE. If I threw my hands up and got crabby, well, that outcome sucked every time. For Everyone! See? So easy!!!!! Did everybody forget what they learned in Kindergarten? Maybe we should all go back for a year.
Love you, Ms. Sac!!

I mean - we kind of resemble?

During November 5, 2024:

So we got home and I crashed for 4 hours and Lars showered and went to work like a boss (we had sleeper seats on the plane, but I don't think he slept well). Anyway, he chooses that system. I couldn't do it. Tuesday I voted (Lars did early) and then......
.....we all know how the rest of Tuesday and Wednesday went. Regardless of how you felt about it. This live google page was causing me to smoke cigs and eat carbs. Ahhh, the delight of visualizing Texas blue oh so briefly. My heart sank even though this was so early on because of those electoral numbers. I hung on to the vision of victory until a few hours later. Then I went to my neighborhood watering hole to watch some Queens sing kaoroke!

Remember - 30 year comedian here! I would like to note that this is an excellent example of how I had to push to evolve before, during & especially after the election. I recorded this while I was looking at the above numbers. Notice how I was still sure, almost sure, getting a bit unsure..... I do not believe that his voters are all in one category any more (not good and/or smart) because many of them sincerely feel the exact same about many of our ideals. We have to recognize some commonalities at least.

(sorry about video darkness)

After November 5, 2024:

I went to bed and woke up with a pit in my throat. Remember, I am not rooted and I have professed my 'Simpleton', dreamer like way. I knew I was going to have to dig deep to understand this because if we are not being totally bamboozled then plenty of very good, hard working Americans have spoken. Not to say he does not have some seriously scary haters in his camp. That could be incredibly powerful?? My wheels started turning as I tried to face Wednesday. I can't help it. I was bummed. I felt like way too many of his behaviors negatively effected our future even more than the economy. No surprise - I run on emotions like some of you can relate to. Lars, though, runs on thought process and he was very hopeful we were not electing a felon who speaks with such a limited vocabulary and so outlandishly. Both of us were not certain of Harris/Walz. Who could be? Just felt more sane. Beginning to realize around Wednesday evening that his voters feel exactly the same. Voting for Trump was just more sane. I can't blame that either. I have seen some cuckoo!!!!! shit on that far left. With my parents limited source access and the idea that the evils of mainstream media and the political elite are one in the same, they hear one of many examples: "...elementary school to install litter boxes in bathrooms for students who identify as "Furries." Huh? Seriously? I am too Gen X for that shit. And I am to LGBTQ+ as a clean surface is to a good Chef. Imagine how my parents must think when they hear this and more? In addition to that, I was told to unpack my racism more than once in my public school professional development meetings. The more I said kiss my ass, the more racist I was. Ya'll can't use that word lightly. It is historically the nastiest, most violent, inhumane word there may be. We are all human and we have pre judgements based on many variables. Call me racist??! Pricks. I am pretty sure I have African blood. The blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice is full proof correct-a-mundo!!!

I think we should be more open with each other - guide each other to self correct. My mom feels badly when someone (especially a family member) does not thank her for something she does. She feels badly when her kids do not call for long. But she won't share that with them. She says everyone is different. Or they are very busy. I think we should teach each other that acknowledging kindnesses with warmth (receiving them) is equally as important as the kindness itself. Again, a fundamental in Kindergarten. "Please" and "Thank you" - never once did Mrs. Klarich say, "...unless you are just really, really busy."

Shots of Wednesday November 6, 2024. A text from my oldest, republican brother who was not a Trump supporter nor denier. I believe Joe and Lars both voted middle, but that is not my business and I didn't even ask either one of them. Yet. Too soon. I love my learning with Joe. He is very knowledgeable when it comes to politics like Lars. My mom always says that too. I love Bernie. I was totally bummed and utterly suspicious when he did not get to run in 2016. Boo hoo. Before Improv class, I stopped at my fave pizza spot near the theater. Betelguese, Betelguese rocks! Their drinks, vibe, food and outdoor seating are like the perfect thing I needed to relax. I ordered an espresso martini with a pumpkin foam and this app called "Brick Cheese" which are monster moz sticks. Also got a Hellfire Pizza to bring home and my butt hurt all of Thursday and Friday. It was so worth it though! I am a glutton for punishment. Won't give up the heat! I love it too much! I love this joint!! Check out their site. MMmmmm!!! The drink names are hilarious too! For my MN peeps, it is like how Psycho Suzy's was, but the food and drink, in my opinion, are quite a bit better. Then a friend who I find to be more rooted reposted something his friend shared on facebook and I shared it too because I think the healing had to begin by Thursday. We gotta get going in the right direction. Can't be sore losers. Nor barbaric winners. We're all Americans.

And that's a wrap! I spent a few days eating a lot of carbs, finishing my California gummies, binge watching Love is Blind UK and Mexico!! (Trashy tv that makes you sob and all kinds of stupid stuff). Shameful - they're like equivalent to tabloid magazines of the 80s. I had an angry day on Friday. I am not one to camp in negative days, but I also believe it is healthy to make room for all of your emotions. I just made sure I told Lars I was feeling angry so he gave me space. I tried capturing little things that made me smile like George watching Lars shell oysters. oxoxxo. I sent a kiss photo to my mom and dad's frame (it's like text for people who still have flip phones). I know they were happy with the outcome and to be quite honest - my parents deserve every ounce of joy that comes their way - especially at this time in their life when my dad suffers from chronic pain and mom stays strong as his caretaker. I wish I could have 4 days alone with Trump. Like a "Super Nanny" type intervention/workshop thingy. I have a super high EQ, paired with thick skin and a crass mouth and I would like to have my way with his emotions for a solid 4. Sounds stupid? Ego centric? Idiotic? I don't care. I know my intent is based on my confidence in my own expertise. Lars taught me that. I envision going in like a ghost - top secret - and just give me 4 days. Day 3 on the field. I have had students and colleagues with his disorder. He is not evil. I believe that. Whether left or right, we can all agree that you can bet your ass that some leaders over the years could present as beloved, but be seriously vile. Trump is a lot of things, but at least he isn't phony. Nor racist. Nor homophobic. He's whatever way the wind is blowing.

🎶 "He just can't wait to be King..."🎶🎶 is all it really comes down to. And I had to really dig deep and talk to my mom and dad and friends and to come out of my carb coma. All of the behaviors are dismissed? I was taught that those values were the meaning of life and he broke them all and my folks are saying we can look past them? Because the majority of Americans are saying we can look past that? Not because they are not good or intelligent. I think it IS because the evils of mainstream media and the political elite ARE one in the same. I think that there is a bigger picture lesson and I am rooting for him to make some better choices about delivery and show accountability, even remorse. I know those likely won't happen unless they give me those 4 days. lol And he could possibly be a very positive influence on his supporters who are violent and ugly. I cannot think of a President who the "Deliverance" demographic could have ever been swayed by! Don't you think? Let's get on with it! We gotta do our own individual parts each day.

Be good!

My honey's delicious hash I smell oysters ! 🎵🎵 "A bushel and a peck & a hug around the neck"

I am including this powerful Ted Talk by 7 year old Molly Wright - a message for all of us that we can all change the world by connecting, talking, and playing often, every day!! ox


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